



GetNameByValue(integer Value)

  • Return type: FName
  • Returns: the FName that corresponds to the specified value.

ForEachName(LuaFunction Callback)

  • Iterates every FName/Value combination that belongs to this enum.
  • The callback has two params: FName Name, integer Value.
  • Return true in the callback to stop iterating.

GetEnumNameByIndex(integer Index)

  • Return types: FName, Integer
  • Returns: the FName that coresponds the given Index.
  • Returns: the Integer value that coresponds the given Index.

InsertIntoNames(string Name, integer Value, integer Index, boolean ShiftValues = true)

  • Inserts a FName/Value combination into a a UEnum at the given Index.
  • If ShiftValues = true, will shift all enum values greater than inserted value by one.

EditNameAt(integer Index, string NewName)

  • At a given Index, will modify the found element in the UEnum and replace its Name with the given NewName.

EditValueAt(integer Index, integer NewValue)

  • At a given Index, will modify the found element in the UEnum and replace its value with the given NewValue.

RemoveFromNamesAt(integer Index, integer Count = 1, boolean AllowShrinking = true)

  • Will remove Count element(s) at the given Index from a UEnum.
  • If AllowShrinkning = true, will shrink the enum array when removing elements.