
The FText function is used to create an FText object from a string.

Useful when you have to interact with UserWidget-related classes for the UI of your mods, and call their SetText(FText("My New Text")) methods.

Parameters (overload #1)

This overload uses FText::FText( FString&& InSourceString ) to create a new FText object.

| Type | Information

---|----------|------------- 1 | string | Content with which FText will to be created

Return Value

| Type | Information

---|-------|------------- 1 | FText | FText object that contains the passed string



local my_text = FText("My Text")
print(string.format("Lua type: %s\n", type(my_text)))
print(string.format("Object type: %s\n", my_text:type()))
print(string.format("Content: %s\n", my_text:ToString()))


[Lua] Lua type: userdata
[Lua] Object type: FText
[Lua] Content: My Text